This is workbook sheet
- left mouse button + drag on clear area = create a box and open for input a text
Edit text mode:
- click outside the box on clear area = save text to the box and close editor
- right mouse button + drag = create a box and open for draw picture
Draw picture mode:
-left button + drag = draw
-middle button + drag = clear
-right button + drag = select part of image and move(+CTRL = copy & move)
- click outside the editor box = save image to the box and close editor
- left mouse button click on box + drag = move box
- middle mouse button click on box = delete box
- CTRL + left mouse button + drag on the box = create a clone of this box
- left click on the corner shape = apply/cancel the corners shape color to box
- left mouse button + drag on corner shape = resize box
You can save this document and use it off-line
(all images/texts will be saved to this document file)
tested for Chromium